PT. BATUTA Jaya Perkasa (PT. BJP), is a company engaged in Stevedoring services, operating at the port of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta. Since its establishment, PT. BATUTA Jaya Perkasa has unceasingly developed and to meet its client’s demands. We provide need-based 

Our Services


We do Unloading goods from the ship to the dock / barge / truck or Loading goods from the dock / barge / truck into the ship until they are arranged in the hatch by using the required Mechanical Equipment.


We do the work of releasing slings/nets of goods or cargo from the cargo hook of a ship on the dock and moving the goods (ex-tackle) from the dock to the warehouse / stacking yard, then arranging it in the warehouse / field or vice versa.


We do the work of receiving goods in the warehouse / yard of the piling up and handing over the goods recipient truck for unloaded cargo, otherwise for cargo that will be loaded onto the ship delivered to the ship.

Contact Us

Head Office :
Jl. Ende, No. 18, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, 14310.
Phone : +6221 436 2060  | +6221 2606 3621
Fax : +6221 4392 5267

Workshop & Truck Pool :
Jl. Semper Kebantenan, Kav. 60, Semper Timur, Cakung Cilincing. Jakarta Utara, 14130.
Phone : (021) 440 5154

Cikarang, Cibitung Truck Pool:
Jl. Inspeksi Kalimalang, No. 190, Kampung Kedokan, Desa Sukadanau, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17530.
Phone : (021) 8912 1314

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