PT. BATUTA Bahtera Jaya (PT. BBJ), is a company engaged in Shipping  Agency service, operating at the port of Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta is a company that provides ship agency services where its main task is to provide the best services and speed in the process of berthing the ships, loading and unloading activities until the ship’s departure process can run smoothly. 

Our Services

1. Shipping Agency

Ship agency services as appointed by the owner to take care of the needs of the ship while in the port area.

2. C.I.Q.P Clearance

The process of notification and implementation of ship activities from arrival to departure to the Quarantine, Immigration, Customs and Port Authority supported by valid ship documents, cargo documents and as well crew documents.

3. Crew Handling

Management of crew activities that will join or stop while the ship is in the port area and handling if the crew is sick and needs medical treatment.

4. Ship Chandler

Procurement of food and beverages or ship logistics needs while in the port area in accordance with the request of the ship’s captain and the owner’s approval.

5. Bungkering

Legal refueling or fresh water while the ship is in the harbor area.

Contact Us

Head Office :
Jl. Ende, No. 18, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara, 14310.
Phone : +6221 436 2060  | +6221 2606 3621
Fax : +6221 4392 5267

Workshop & Truck Pool :
Jl. Semper Kebantenan, Kav. 60, Semper Timur, Cakung Cilincing. Jakarta Utara, 14130.
Phone : (021) 440 5154

Cikarang, Cibitung Truck Pool:
Jl. Inspeksi Kalimalang, No. 190, Kampung Kedokan, Desa Sukadanau, Cikarang Barat, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17530.
Phone : (021) 8912 1314

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